想象一下人间天堂:呼吸的是新鲜的空气,看到的是湛蓝的海水,绿野山庄,晴空下白沙细浪,又或是热带雨林, 野生动植物…而这美好得令人窒息的地方,离你只有几个小时距离,叫做菲律宾.
明珠,这里不仅能体验攀登奇趣,潜水刺激,在陆地、天空或海里,你还将会有惊喜发现。无论你的双脚把你带向 哪个群岛——吕宋,维萨亚斯,或是棉南老岛,都绝不会令你的假期虚度.
由于位处战略要地,菲律宾是有着不同文化和传统的国民的家园。我们的菜肴有着独特味道,它细诉着从西方到东 方的影响,并吸引着来自世界各地的美食爱好者.
与美景、声音、环境相匹配的,是天性热情洋溢的一亿的菲律宾人民。菲律宾人是世界上最友好的人民之一,对我 们而言,每个人都是家人,我们会让每个到访的旅游者都找到归属感.
Why Visit the Aurora?
Witness Aurora’s wonderful sights, fascinating culture and agricultural prospects.
Agriculture is the main economic driver in the Province of Aurora, employing approximately half of the population in the country’s booming industry. About 49,991 hectares or 15% of the provincial land area are cultivated farmlands. Major crops include rice, coconut, coffee, bananas, root crops, corn, citrus fruits, peanuts, and abaca. The province is also a major producer of the Philippine's best-tasting virgin coconut distilled wine, also known as "lambanog," which is made from the sap or “tuba” of coconut tree flowers.
Aurora province has also proven itself as one of the tourist destinations in the Philippines. The Pacific Ocean brings the Northeast Monsoon wind, creating versatile waves suitable for surfing amateurs, enthusiasts, and professionals—earning the reputation as a world-renowned surfing hub.
Some of the fascinating water spots in Aurora are the Dinadiawan Beach, Sabang Beach, Dingalan White Beach, Dimadimalangat Islet, Dicasalarin Bay, and Banju Springs.