Pavilion 12 Stand F08
Fiera Milano Fairgrounds
Milan, Rho, Italy. 12 - 17 April 2016
The Philippines’ Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions (CITEM), among the world’s savvy export development operations, stages its select furniture manufacturers for Salone Internazionale del Mobile, 2016 edition, to underscore design restraint and poise.
CITEM signals this year its own arrival at cosmopolitan maturity. After four decades of institutional work with significant designers from various culture centers of the world, the organization has gained a reputation for harmonizing local aesthetics with developments in international design.

SALONE Milan is to CITEM a theater for Filipino actors who have mastered the merger of opposites: hand and mind; the artisanal and the concept-driven; the imagination of the individual designer, on one hand, and, on the other, the design ethos of a cultural bed; and sheer technical dexterity and the discipline imposed by folk materials and processes. CITEM’s curatorial choices for presentation at the Italian fair—the design/manufacturing houses A.Garcia Crafts, Atelier-A by Cebu Filveneer, Kristel Blancas (special participant), Maze and Zacarias 1925 by S.C. Vizcarra —are similarly, equally virtuosos of crafting harmony from disparate forces.
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Pavilion 12, Stand F08